How many times have you had to change the Type or Creator tags on a file that
mysteriously beamed up during a modem transfer? Or your looser friend who has a PC clone just sent you a GIF file of a close up of bacteria growing on cheese, only you can’t view it because it won’t show up as a legitimate file in your GIF viewing program.
Maybe you’re a programmer (like me) who has to change file Types and Creators for a whole host of reasons and you don’t want to use ResEdit (because it takes longer).
Let’s say you have 200 TEXT files and their Creator type is MSDB and when you double click on the icon in the Finder you get the old ‘The document “Bla Bla Bla” could not be opened…’ By changing the the Creator to lets MWII not only will you be able launch the old files into MacWrite II from the Finder you will also get icons instead of those ugly generic document icons. Anyway hax 2.1 will now change all 200 hundred files in just a few mouse clicks (provided they are all in the same folder).
Les Invisibles
Originally hax showed ALL file invisible or not. Since system 7 uses invisible files all over the place, namely those pesky little ICON files so we may have custom icons on all of our folders, a anomaly popped up- if you changed all the files in a directory to let’s say GIFf’s your GIF viewing application now thinks that ICON file is a GIF, so the simplest way to solve this was to filter out ALL invisible files. Any Questions?
It is really straight forward, just follow the prompt strings at the bottom of each dialog.
There is a help button for the perplexed once you have selected a file.
Dull but, sincere filler
hax has been tested on both system 6.0.x and 7.0.x, and the full spectrum of hardware. Logical Solutions shall not be responsible under any circumstances for any problems that may occur from using hax. Users should recognize that all complex software systems and their documentation contain errors and omissions.